
Estoy celebrando en el blog! En dos semanas cumple una añito como blogger escribiendoles acerca de mi vida, mi moda y en fin de las cosas que son importantes para mi y desde ya les adelanto les traigo una sorpresita que me muero por contarles! Hoy para ponernos ya en el animo de primavera y con el animo tranquilo que tengo en estos momentos en mi vida estoy usando un enterizo rosadito como las flores bien romanticon pegado al cuerpo de tono pastel que me encanto para andar muy comoda en estos dias de grabacion. Sin embargo para cambiar el look le agregue un abrigo liviano rosado de seda que muchos me decian parece batica de dormir LOL! la verdad es que es un tono muy lindo y femenino que pense iba perfecto con el enterizo pegado al cuerpo que de por si era un poco transparente para usarlo solito. Me puse una bufanda rosadita tambien para completar este look todo de rosa y empezar a despedir el frio que quiero que se vaya y me puse mis zapaticos crema rosa tambien para complementar el conjunto. Definitivamente un look super diferente en mi ademas que el cabello me lo estilze con ondas clasicas y me diverti en este dia con este look. Me cuentan que les parece! Por lo pronto mis amorcitos les mando un besote y todo mi amor! Gracias por leerme! Feliz fin de semana

A Pink Rose for You

I’m celebrating on my blog! In two weeks, I will have one year as a blogger, writing about my life, fashion and all the things are important to me. In fact, I have a little surprise coming soon I’m dying to tell you! Today, to get in the mood of spring and with the peaceful mentality I have right now  I am using a full pink outfit inspired in pink flowers with this pastel bodysuit with a soft pink pastel tone. It is all about being comfortable but feminine when filming for the TV Show. However, to make my look more conservative, I added a light pink silk coat that according to a friend looked like a sleeping gown LOL! , but I told him well this is trending right now, so I will wear it with confidence.The truth is that it is a very nice and feminine tone that I thought was perfect with the suit that was a little to see through I put on a pink scarf also to complete this look with layers of pink pastel or rose colors and start saying goodbye to the cold winter that I want to leave behind. I added my pink cream heels also to complement the set. Definitely, a look very different I am used to. Also,  I stylized my hair with classic waves and had a lot of fun putting this outfit together. You my loves tell me what you think! For now, my sweethearts I send you a kiss and all my love! Thanks for reading me! Have a great weekend!

Coat: Hot Miami Styles

jumpsuit: Wish App

Zapatos: Charlotte Russe

Photo by @wideraranibargarcia

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