
Hoy les comparto mi look para grabar el show de tele en el Centro Cultural Mexicano. Decidi vestirme con colores alegres preparandome para el verano y queria algo que fuera tapadito pero acentuando mi figura. Me gusto este vestido verde como de palmeras que daba esa mescla de vivacidad y a la vez comodidad. Me gustan muchos los vestido con cuello alto ya que siento que este tipo de vestido me favorece y asi solo muestro un poco de piernas. La mezcla perfecta para estar elegante y no perder el glamour. Lo combine con unos zapatos del mismo tono verde del vestido y siento que resalto mas esta combinacion. Dejenme saber chicas que opinan y como ustedes buscan lo que mas les favore mientras juegan con las tendencias de moda.

Green Leafs Addiction

Today I share with you my look to record DC Contigo TV show at the Centro Cultural Mexicano in Washington, DC. I decided to dress with cheerful colors preparing for the summer vibes and I wanted something that was more covered up but accentuating my figure. I enjoyed this green dress design imitating  palm trees. It was very comfortable and feminie at the same time. I like many dresses with high neck because I feel that this type of dress flatter my neck and upper body.The perfect mix to be elegant and maintain glamour. I combined it with high heels. The color of the shoes had the same green color of the dress and I felt it was the perfect combo. Let me know what you guys think J of this look, I would love to hear your comments!

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